ERA-MIN3 is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of 24 European and non-European research funding organisations, aiming to continue strengthening the mineral raw materials community through the coordination of research and innovation programmes on non-fuel and non-food raw materials (metallic, construction, and industrial minerals). ERA-MIN3 builds on the experience of the H2020 ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022) and FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011-2015).
More information : https://www.era-min.eu/joint-call/era-min-joint-call-2023
To support collaborative research and development (R&D) in advanced materials, PRIMA Quebec is launching a new international call for projects within the framework of the PSO-International. The PSO-International helps to support the international action of Quebec players from universities, colleges, institutions and industry working in the different research and innovation niches. To this end, the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy (MEIE) supports PRIMA Quebec in its participation in the ERA-MIN 2023 call. Within the framework of this call, 21 funding agencies from more than 17 European countries and non-Europeans participate with a preliminary total budget of around € 12.75 million.
Advanced material can be defined as any new material or significantly improved material that achieves a marked advantage in performance (physical or functional), compared to commonly used conventional materials.
In accordance with its strategic plan, PRIMA Quebec encourages the submission of projects concerning the development of advanced materials applied to key sectors of Quebec, such as transport and infrastructure, energy, the environment, textiles, electronics and health.
The technologies targeted by this call for projects concern all types of application sectors (see the ERA-MIN guide for more description):
Topic 1: Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining
1.1 Innovative exploration methods
1.2 More sustainable mining operations
1.3 Improved environmental management of mines
1.4 Efficient mineral processing and metallurgy
1.5 Mine closure, remediation and remining of tailings and waste rock
Topic 2: Strengthening the circular economy
2.1 Product design for resource efficiency, including substitution, e.g.
2.2 End-of-life products pre-processing: collection, logistics, pre-treatment, dismantling, sorting, characterisation,
2.3 Reuse, repair, refurbishing, repurposing and remanufacturing of end-of-life products
2.4 Recovery and urban mining of raw materials from end-of-life products or other wastes
2.5 Life-cycle-analysis of raw materials
2.6 New business models (implementing circular economy aspects)
Topic 3: Processing, Production and ICT
3.1 Increase resource efficiency in resource intensive production processes
3.2 Increase resource efficiency, recycling and reuse of products using information and communication technologies (ICT)
Topic 4: Environmental assessment, climate and policy development for sustainability
4.1 Improvement of methods or data for environmental, social and health impact assessment (ESHIA)
4.2 Policy development for primary and secondary raw material industry
4.3 Energy-saving and climate action
Topic 5: Social sustainability in health, safety and public perception
5.1 Social acceptance and trust/public perception of the raw materials industry
5.2 Health and safety issues
5.3 Gender equality in the raw materials sector
Attention PRIMA only supports projects related to advanced materials, the ERA-MIN call for projects covers more. Contact a PRIMA advisor to verify project eligibility according to PRIMA rules.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is March 30, 2023 (11:00 Montreal time, 17:00 Brussels time).
The countries and regions and their funding agencies that have expressed interest in participating in the call are:
Belgium/ Flanders (FIO/VLAIO), Belgium/ Wallonia (SPW-Recherche), Bulgaria (BNSF), Canada/Québec (PRIMA-Québec); Czech Republic (TA CR), Estonia (ETAg), Finland (Business Finland ), Germany (BMBF/JÜLICH), Ireland (GSI/EPA), Poland (NCBR), Portugal (FCT), Romania (UEFISCDI), Slovakia (SAS), Slovenia (MIZS), South Africa (DSI), Spain (AEI), Spain/Asturias (IDEPA), Spain/Basque Country (EJ/GV – Innobasque), Spain/Navarra (CFNA), Sweden (Vinnova), Turkey (TÜBITAK)
The above list includes the main criteria, all of which can be found in the guide The call for projects is funded under the PSO-International. The proposal must meet the criteria of PRIMA and ERA-MIN.
- To be eligible, the consortium must include at least 3 partners (all applicants for funding) from at least 3 different countries participating in the call (at least 2 EU Member State or associated country) participating in the call ERA-MIN.
- The TRL levels of the targeted projects range from 1 to 9
- The applicant for a project can be a university, a CCTT or a public research center
- Minimum one company (primarily an SME) with a presence (production or R&D) in Quebec
- Min 20% in company contribution money
- Maximum 50% of PRIMA Quebec contribution
- Any funding from the MEI, MITACS funding is excluded from additional funding.
- Maximum of 80% of public money
- The other partners of the ERA-MIN consortium must contribute at least 30% of the overall cost of the project.
- 5% of direct research costs in management fees (3% business, 2% MEI)
- Minimun duration 1 year and maximum 3 years with a maximum PRIMA contribution of $ 500k, MEI and FIR management fees included
It is strongly recommended to contact an advisor before submitting a project to ensure that all the rules are followed.
- A webinar presented by ERA MIN Tuesday, December 14, 2022 at 8:30 a.m., information and registration: click here.
- A webinar to present all the details of the call will take place on Monday January 16, 2023 at 11 a.m., link to register.
- A Quebec-Belgium-New Aquitaine webinar: Meet your future partners in France, Canada and Belgium! Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 10 a.m., link to register.
- Publication of the call: December 7, 2022
- Deadline for submission of proposals: March 30, 2023, 17:00 (Brussels time)
- Provisional communication of the selection of proposals: October 17, 2023
- Deadline for selected projects to start: April 1, 2024
English version
- The PRIMA Guide
- The Text of the ERA-MIN call
- The PRIMA form for the full proposal
French version
- Le Guide de présentation PRIMA
- Le Texte de l’appel ERA-MIN (en anglais seulement)
- Le Formulaire PRIMA pour la phase de proposition complète
A new ERA-MIN3 Partner Search Tool is now live. The partnering tool helps you to find cooperation possibilities within the ERA-MIN Joint Calls. It can be used in the following ways:
- Post a Partner Offer/Request
- Search List of Partner Offers/Requests posted by others
Other online partner search tools are available here.
To find out the eligibility criteria or to discuss your innovation project, contact:
Michel Lefèvre
Director, Programs & International Collaborations
PRIMA Québec
514 284-0211 ext 227