PRIMA Québec, CRIBIQ and Carnot MICA have decided to launch a joint call with the aim of developing or even strengthening collaborative research between Québec and France through the participation of French and Québec research partners as well as Quebec businesses.
The objective of this program is to support and realize international collaborative research and innovation projects from universities, colleges, institutions and businesses. More precisely, it aims both to strengthen existing research partnerships between France and the province of Québec and to establish new partnerships by promoting collaboration between educational establishments in these two territories and Québec companies.
- Increased research collaboration between universities and industry, along with greater international, intersectoral and inter-agency collaboration;
- Greater visibility for Québec researchers and their institutions at the national and international levels;
- Greater development for researchers seeking to improve their competitive positioning in Québec’s future markets through R&D projects.
- The PRIMA QUÉBEC- Carnot MICA 2024 joint project call will fund one project for a maximum of 3 years with a maximum of public funding contributions from the Québec side at $110,000/year (excluding ICR and MEIE management fees) and €75,000/year for the French side.
- Carnot MICA side: maintain or develop a scientific and technological advance on a given theme or subject in relation to the industrial state of the art falling within the research themes of Carnot MICA.
- All research projects with technology readiness level (TRL) 1 to 9 are eligible.
- The funded projects are collaborative research and development projects relating to various technologies of common interest for France and Quebec. By exchanging knowledge and jointly developing new solutions for these projects, participating researchers will have the opportunity to strengthen existing bilateral cooperation or explore new research partnerships of potentially high value.
- The priority technology targeted by this call for projects is additive manufacturing in order to stimulate the development of this ecosystem.
- The consortia will be made up of public research institutions [universities, research centers, college center for technology transfer (CCTT)] based in Québec and France and companies based in Québec. Consortia composed of at least four partners (2+2) are eligible for funding. Two members of Carnot MICA from the French side and from the Québec side, a public research institution and one compagnie. The coordinator of the “Quebec consortium” must come from a public research institution.
- Projects must demonstrate balanced participation from the Québec and French parties throughout their development. A financial contribution in cash totaling at least 20% of eligible expenses in Québec is required from the Québec side and a contribution in cash or in kind totaling at least 30% of the overall expenses of the Québec-France consortium project is required for all foreign partners of the project. Financial assistance from the MEIE will take the form of a non-refundable and non-recurring contribution of up to 50% of eligible expenses from the Québec portion. Other contributions must be demonstrated (official signed letters specifying the amounts granted for carrying out the project).
- The total public funding from Québec (Complementary financing, PRIMA financing) is a maximum of $110,000 CAD/year (excluding ICR and MEIE management fees).
- The maximum duration of each project is three years.
- Specific rules for Carnot MICA: Annual funding for Carnot MICA will be a maximum of €75,000. This financing must represent a maximum of 50% of the full cost of the project.
English version :
- Instructions guide
- Letter of intent
- Calculation grid for the letter of intent (in French only)
- Application form (to come)
- Funding Calculation Help Table (to come)
French version :
- Guide de présentation
- Lettre d’intention
- Grille de calcul pour la lettre d’intention
- Formulaire de demande (à venir)
- Tableau d’aide au calcul du financement (à venir)
- Opening of the call for proposals: February 22, 2024
- Letter of intent deadline: March 15, 2024 (noon, Montreal Time / 18:00, France Time)
- Deadline for submitting complete applications: May 15, 2024 (noon, Montreal Time / 18:00, France Time)
For eligibility criteria or to discuss your innovation project, contact:
Michel Lefèvre
Director – Programs & International Collaborations
PRIMA Québec
514 284-0211 ext. 227