This call for projects aims to finance the implementation of collaborative research-innovation projects in the activity sectors served by the niches and poles of excellence.
It is part of component 2a: Research-innovation projects of the Support Program for Research and Innovation Organizations.
The following are eligible:
- Québec non-profit organizations (NPOs) involved in the various niches of research, development and innovation;
- Québec health and social services, education and higher education network institutions involved in the various sectors of research and innovation;
- Québec public research institutions.
To be eligible, the project must be submitted to an RSRI operating in the targeted main sector of activity. The project must also be supported by a niche or a pole of excellence that is a member of the ACCORD approach.
In addition, all projects must meet the following aspects:
- Be carried out in Québec.
- Meet a specific need of companies in the sectors of the niches and pole of excellence.
- Be structuring and aim to resolve strategic issues for Québec.
- Include the required level of innovation, meaning that the product or process has a decisive advantage over existing solutions on the market and in the sector of activity on the national or international levels.
- It must be completed no later than March 31, 2027.
- Partner, for the project, with a public research center and a minimum of three companies.
Since funding is limited, projects must stand out from the traditional offering and meet the needs of companies in niches of excellence, as well as the evaluation.
A total of $2 million is planned to support the implementation of this call for projects.
The assistance granted for the implementation of the project consists of a non-repayable and non-recurring financial contribution.
The financial assistance granted to the project takes the following form:
- a maximum amount of $350,000 for the duration of the project;
- a maximum assistance rate of 80% of eligible expenses;
- conditional on a minimum cash contribution from participating companies of 20% of the eligible expenses of the project from the recipient community[1].
The financial assistance cannot be combined with financial assistance from another project financing program of the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie; it can, however, be combined with other government assistance.
Projects submitted must be competitive and have a minimum total project cost of $100,000. The Ministry’s contribution, per project, will be a maximum of $350,000.
[1] Contributions from the applicant are not considered to be contributions from the recipient community and are not included in this minimum contribution.
In French only
- Guide du MEIE
- Formulaire de demande de financement (Download the PDF and open it with Acrobat Reader to be able to complete it.)
If you intend to submit a project, please contact an advisor.
- Call launch: October 7, 2024
- Information session: October 16, 2024 at 2 p.m., registration link
- The niche with a potential project must contact PRIMA as soon as possible to ensure support.
- Deadline for submission by the RSRI to the MEIE: November 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
For eligibility criteria or to discuss your innovation project, contact:
Michel Lefèvre
Director – Programs & International Collaborations
514 284-0211 ext. 227